Monday, June 8, 2009

Ties The Knot

It's every girl's dream : having found the right match, being so in love at the point that you're always lovesick but can be yourself every second without being ashamed of your silly behavior, got engaged and get married ( then have cute little kids :) ).
My wedding dream is just simple, I've been dreaming getting married in Bali when the sun is setting in the background, in a nice chapel, attend by just family and close friends. I've seen some extravagant weddings, in big hotels, thousands of guests, mega expensive meals and celebrities. I never wanted one of those. I just want a simple wedding, where I wear a pretty and simple white dress, walking down the aisle towards my husband to be, holding a bouquet of fresh flowers. Our families and close friends smiling looking at us. Then when we exchange rings and vows, the sun setting beautifully, then we have nice meals. That's it.
I never dreamed and imagined this before until I meet you, honey:)
I love my William.....

The picture of my dream wedding chapel, Conrad Hotel Bali

1 comment:

  1. hello! want to say that reading your blog gives me a nice feeling because you seem to be so satisfied with life and at peace with yourself. (:

    stay happy!
